Jaxon Stickler

Focusing on experi­mental processes, generating enchantment, creative strategy and collaborations that leads to visually + conceptually charged projects, his work seeks to create deep visions of alternative systems and new futures through building core artefacts.

Open to collaborative projects as well as design/art research services.


Email: jaxonstickler@gmail.com

Instagram: @jaxonstickler

Field Study 01 2021

A patchwork of primary visual research and digital experimentation. An exploration of place+spirit and how we interface with landscape once removed from its surface.
Field Study 01 begins with a pilgrimage into the SW of TAS to explore Ambience in Landscape through a series of short   visual studies taken with my digital camera. These focus upon landscapes within the Denison Range sourounding Lake   Rhona, on Lutrawita Country.

Once returned from the location this visual information was then Abstracted/Interpreted/Deciphered. Further research   of place was conducted through digital tools such as Geographic Information Systems, color processing software and   Adobe AI tools. This research was done once removed from the landscape, and so these digital tools allowed an   interfacing with place through a different perspective.

I then used CLO3D to begin a series of design experiements that sought to store this infromation within garment   archetypes. This process seeks an understanding of the landscape and environment through analysis and re-   interpretation. It pokes and prods at various systems that exist within the landscape but are hard to define with the   naked eye, searching to generate new biases and language with which to value the natural world beyond its perceived   beauty.

The final result culminating in a digital entity that holds Knowledge of Place, through its re-structuring of information into garments.