Jaxon Stickler

Focusing on experi­mental processes, generating enchantment, creative strategy and collaborations that leads to visually + conceptually charged projects, his work seeks to create deep visions of alternative systems and new futures through building core artefacts.

Open to collaborative projects as well as design/art research services.


Email: jaxonstickler@gmail.com

Instagram: @jaxonstickler

BigChicken 2024
(Sticks, Deadstock Wool Fabric, Deadstock Puffer Vests. Motorcycle Crash Armour)

As the globe’s most abundant vertebrate, the broiler chicken is exclusively sourced from two corporate entities. Various breeds are distinguished by names like Cob 500 or Ross 308. These avians are but shadows of their ancestors, their once-proud lineage warped and contorted. Their frames, swollen to grotesque proportions, buckle under their own weight, rendering them unable to walk without aid in most circumstances. Studies have found that the greatest factor impacting a chicken’s welfare is its breed—a bodily prison and curse etched into its being at the genetic level.

What might it look like for genetic agency to be restored to a species whose lineage has endured two mass extinctions? What tales would they tell, what songs would they sing, and what vengeance might they exact if given the chance to reclaim their birthright?